Blog Post

Super Tuesday: A verdict on Climate Change

March 03, 2020

Climate change is one of the most critical issues on the democratic voters amongst health care and economy. Each presidential candidate has expressed the urgency in battling climate change. On Super Tuesday, tomorrow, March 3rd – climate change is one of the agenda on ballot boxes. Many climate change activists and people aren’t happy with the present government’s withdrawal of the Paris Climate Agreement nor the loosening of regulations on fracking, oil pipelines, and coal mines. The question to ask oneself is how we individual can impact a shift in thinking. It’s in our votes and our choices. If we use clean energy, we will create a mass movement in numbers. If we choose wind energy or solar energy instead of nuclear energy, we are already making a statement. When mothers go together to boycott milk treated with genetically engineered hormones, the market had to listen. Subsequently, Walmart pulled out milk treated with rBGH from its dairy aisles.

Clean energy needs a reliable exchange. P2P creates an equal exchange marketplace to buy and sell clean energy using blockchain technology. Stay in tune with this developing technology through our Facebook, Instagram, twitter, or LinkedIn.

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