Blog Post

Not Just Solar: Integrating Renewable Energy Sources With P2PConnect

March 23, 2019

Over the last year, we’ve talked a lot about solar power as the primary use case for Power2Peer’s blockchain-secured microgrids. With market forecasts favoring the growth of solar over wind in coming years, solar panel owners are poised to reap quite the harvest given the right marketplace to exchange excess solar energy for fair market value. But this is not to the exclusion of other forms of clean energy.

While utility scale wind is mixing more solar into their portfolios, that doesn’t mean wind is going anywhere. Because the potential energy of wind can peak at different times than solar, wind will continue to serve as a critical complement to solar generation. It has been estimated that between these two natural resources alone, there is enough energy to power the entire United States. That kind of information is what inspires us to build a platform can capture all that energy and transmit it efficiently!

And there are more resources to be tapped besides wind and solar. In coastal and other water-abundant areas, hydroelectric is already established as a supply of renewable energy. Geothermal, too, is catching on as an alternative to carbon-heavy fossil fuels. The vision behind P2PConnect is to bring all of these power sources together in a single marketplace, empowering consumers to buy power in a way that works for them and their environment. By providing more outlets for these cutting edge forms of generation, Power2Peer will help expand their reach. Together, we can create a sustainable future!

One Comment

  • European Power Couple Teams Up to Take On Offshore Wind - Power2Peer 6 years ago

    […] resilient microgrids, for example, numerous clean energy sources such as solar and wind can be integrated to create an […]

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